is now Closed
This was the loudest message from Mother Nature in 2020, during our first H.E.A.R.T. Journey to Tsau Conservancy, the HeartLands of the Sacred White Lions.
What is the HEARTPride?
From the initial Virtual StarLion Journey in July 2020, twenty pioneering animal communicators formed what is now known as “the HEART Pride”. Since then, the HEART Pride has been focusing on positive transformation for “Lions, Land, Oceans and People”.
We are now ready to open the HEART Pride up to other LionHearted people, who would like to support the Global White Lion Protection Trust, and the work of Linda Tucker and Wynter Worsthorne. By supporting their work, you are supporting an initiative that creates positive Global Transformation.
Watch the Replay of a Conversation with Linda and Wynter about the importance of The HEART Pride.
In the video below, Linda explains the importance of the location of Tsau Conservancy, which lies on the Nile Meridian. The Greater Timbavati is the only place in the world where the White Lions occur naturally. These are their endemic homelands. The indigenous people of the region, the Shangaan or Tsonga people, have always held the White Lions as sacred messengers from God.
Visit HeartLands Gatherings for details of past and future HeartLands updates
with Linda and Wynter (for all logged in members).
What is H.E.A.R.T. ?
Heart Energy Achieving Real Transformation
The HEART method has been developed by Wynter Worsthorne, combining her knowledge from over 20 years’ experience of interspecies communication, with the tools of positive transformation through co-creation with the guidance of Mother Nature.

Free for everybody
Since January 2020, Wynter has held several H.E.A.R.T. webinars for animals of different species around the world.
Here you can access the replays all in one place.

Unconditional Love
When we connect and communicate with animals and Nature, the energy we focus on is that of Unconditional Love.
We also call this “Heart Energy”, and we work with the Heart Energy Field to connect with and “tune-in” to Nature’s wavelength. It is also how we connect with “Source”, the one-ness of all.

By working with our Heart Energy, we listen, then act upon the guidance received.
We know that interspecies communications are received through energy. By working with that same energy we can communicate outwards to Achieve Real Transformation, through transformative visualisation and prayer.
The more people who act on and send information of the same vibrational frequency, the greater the positive transformation. – Again “We are stronger together”
Free for everbody.
Since August 2018, The Global Prayers and Meditations for Lions have been effective in bringing about change in the legislation for lions in South Africa, where the government has now promised to end the despicable industry of canned hunting and lion bone trade.
There is still a long road to travel to ensure this happens. Watching the past gatherings and joining in the new will assist with achieving positive transformation on many levels.
Members will be personally notified of new gatherings.

How the Memberships work
We have created three different levels of membership, each with a different focus and benefit. We invite you to feel into each level to see where you are called to focus and what you would like to participate in.
There is also an option to be a sponsor only, with or without the need to participate in any of the offerings.
By joining the HEART Pride, you become part of a community who care deeply about the earth and want to make a positive difference on every level, but most importantly, on a HEART level.

If you are called to learn more about the Lions, Land and People of Tsau Conservancy (Home of the free roaming, protected White Lions, in the sacred HEARTlands of the Greater Timbavati area) then the GOLD Membership is a fit for you.

If you are called to listen to the animals and Nature with your heart, and to learn how to effectively communicate with all species, through the guidance of the White Lion wisdom, then sign up for the WHITE GOLD Membership.

If the HEART method truly resonates with you, and you want to feel the guidance of Mother Nature and work intimately with Her and the founding HEART Pride members in order to achieve positive transformation, then please sign up for the ROSE GOLD Membership.
The Benefits to nature
50% of all membership fees and donations goes directly to the Global White Lion Protection Trust (GWLPT), the other 50% benefits all of Nature through the HEART Pride’s work in service of Mother Nature.
Whichever way you decide to join as a HEART Pride member, you will be joining a community of LionHearted people who are committed to making a positive difference to the Natural World. We need you more than ever before.
What members are saying
Become part of this global community who are all working together in service of Nature, by joining one of our three membership plans.
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